60 years of birth of India-Looking back

Whatever little progress country has made so far is by sheer dint
of individual brilliance and entrepreneurship and not by political
system and sarkari babus supporting it. They are corrupt, cynical,
sadists and cheap and put all roadblocks in path of citizen's
progress. Every thing is on sale including conscience of people.
The babu-politician-contractors nexus is eating into vitals of our
society, its ancient culture and human values. With technology
coming in more crimes, jail breaks, naxalite type movements,
blasts and other crimes and unrest will increase. May be we wont
be proud to celebrate 15th August of 2020 a date that was fixed
by Dr Kalam,a day dreamer in corrupt India.

As we look back today:

1.We are in top 10 corrupt countries in world, probably at No 1,
where politicians( -cum goondas ),sarkari babus(The class 1
services mainly) and judiciary all are super corrupt, nakedly
arrogant and lethargic and are shameless and irresponsible too.
Because our Constitution was foolishly written and was Utopian. It
has no safety valves. It does not spell out clearly what model of
democracy means and how is to be used .What is role and position
of Individual in Indian society the basic unit of building block
of any society. He or she is simply helpless and vulnerable
although everyone is working for him or her. PM sits in air
conditioned offices and travels globally for him. Ambani and Bajaj
work for him. Senior IAS officer takes bribes and lives in 5000 sq
ft palatial house for him. Police takes bribe,prosecute innocents
and take bribe from criminals for him. They even rape women in
thana or any where for that matter, for him the individual the
common man top whom constitution allegedly is meant to serve.
Every one is so called working for the individual as per
constitution. Or are they working for cutting his throat?. Do
these shameless judges, politicians and babus(particularly
arrogant and corrupt class I offcials of civil services) while
enjoying comforts and making theft of public property realise
where this money has come from?Is it theirs or their forefather's?
Are they entitled for this. What oath they took when thbey assumed
office or service?
Without national character and education and strong legal system
democracy is actually a curse.
It is surprising that 80% of Indian systems and law are still same
as British made,who were tyrants and invaders and sucked blood of
colonies. Our brown men are continuing same laws to enjoy.
If I were a Divisional Commissioner, I would feel awkward sitting
in a 20x20 ft room with staff of 30 people doing hardly anything
and mimicking old British Masters moe ionterested in
acdres,seniority and writing IAS as if I obliged nation by passing
one UPSC examination that is equally stupid method and outdated.
When I look at these Desi sahibs appointed by me for my service
and duty and dictating me, behaving like 'angrez ki auulaad'and
sitting in 20x20 ft rooms with sentries on gates, I cant feel but
laugh. They look like jokers to me and idiots.

It is tragedy that Indians loose control on both politicians and
babus the moment we elect or appoint them. Though politicians we
can punish after 5 years these babudom cadres bleed us for 40
years. They are not candidates for any relaxation and should be
dealt firmly by people now and shown their true place. Those who
don't want to talk and behave like servants are welcome to quit.We
wont miss them.

ON this 61st independence day I exhort all IAS,IPS,IRS and all
such cadre officers above 50 years of age and all politicians
above 60 years of age to get the hell out from our life and system
and oblige us. WE would be grateful to them.It will be good
riddance .they are acorrupt ,obsolete and arrogant junk worth
nothing.They are almost like pests on society eating into our
limited resources.

Indians should start writing fresh constitution ( No copying and
pasting this time please). Make public servants accountable with
heavy punishment and life imprisonment. Make their jobs renewable
every 5 years by a board in each district with 60 % eminent
members of public and not sarkari babus. This includes
Why a public servants should be kept permanent? Unless s/he earns

Our constitution mentions citizen's accountability and duties but
not that of civil servants and elected representatives who are
still aping British. President,Prime minister, judges all have
made themselves immune to prosecution and legal action. Why?
.Rampant bribery and theft of public funds is going on by one and
all. Each class I officer costs this country Rs 6 lacs per year as
against Rs 30000 per capita income, why?
If they want more money they should quit and go to own business or
private sector. Can we afford it anymore.NO.

In name of liberalisation and globalisation , these people in
government have started loot and plunder .In fact they have only
got liberalised from all restrictions.no more ambassadotrs.
Imported cars.Itb was never so good to loot and enjoy
life.Competing with each other for more corruption.

They are obstacles and not assistants to people and their efforts
to improve life quality. A large number of them are cheats and
thieves of public money,with insatiable hunger for money. Since
all are corrupt right up to top, no one fears anyone now and naked
display is going on .The SP,DySP or Thanedar don't know how to
talk and behave with people. They know the system has already
failed. Their seniors are more corrupt than them. That is why they
are bold and do naked dance and misbehave cheat and do extortion
from hapless citizens.Their right place is before a firing

40% people are hungry and with all bones showing, in country even
after 60 years.

50% are virtual illiterates.

There are No human rights. Only namesake Commissions exists in
States & Centre who do drama of human rights protection.the whole
world condemns india for poor human rights.In 8 states daily
people are being kille dby security forces whom we pay.

Indian judiciary shamelessly continues huge delays and carries
inadequate staff although no citizen has ever stopped them for
changing laws and appointing more judges. We are prepared to
increase court fee and pay cess too. We are already being bled to
death by Chidambaram taxing everything. Where this money is going?
In foreign trips, theft by these politicians and babus , huge
salaries, cars used for kitchen work of their wives, medical
treatments abroad. All to serve common and poor man.

Is not it time that people confiscate the ill gotten wealth of all
these corrupt potlcians,businessmen and babus and divide amongst

This is actually a scene which I am forecasting 10 years in
advance. The corrupt and criminals in government should become
alert and start reforming or be ready for civil war. Exactly as
mentioned above will happen.

It won't be a bad idea for people to slap an officer the moment he
or she asks for a bribe or favor. Supreme court has already
announced that while taking bribe it is not sarkari duty. The
moment anyone asks for money or favor he becomes a criminal and
slapping won't be a bad propostion afterall.Nation should debate
over this.

We should realize that after 60 years India is more caste ridden,
corrupt, poor and violent society with 20 states already under
fire of varying degrees. These cheap and self serving babus and
politicians should not act selfish and blind and start behaving or
face consequences soon. They can't hide beyond few policemen with
guns for long time from hands of irate people.

RTI Act was never required in the first place but it was passed to
fool people and has been already bogged down, thanks to corrupt
and mafia network of these senior babus and cheap polticians cum
crminlas. There is no time limit prescribed and no serious
punishment provision against the concerned officer not giving
proper and immediate information like Rs 10,000 fine first
offense, 24 hrs jail, tgerm second offense and 5 years jail term
and dismissal for next offense.Till we dont make it harsh no babu
is going to give you info.

They behave as if they are still working form british and are more
loyal than citizens whereas facts are otherwise.they hide
information and files and put security barriers in offices as if
it is theor father's property.they forget they are merely our

Caste divide in society has been firmed up by these crminals for
next 5 centuries.

Wealth is concentrating in few lac hands only .

Reservation is bogie as there are not many jobs available
including that in private sector.reservations are equalisers and
reversal; of past discrimination is a product of satanic and
mischievous minds.it can never happen like that.Onl;y eduaction,
time and equal treatment for next few generations and bannijng use
of caste in all public records and advertisements only and only
can do this.
Property prices have increased 5 times in 6 years

Inflation rate is 15 to 25 % per year in last 4 years.Man Mohan
singh is big failure and Zero.

Our PM is a dud and puppet of an ineligible and unqualified
foreign born woman and her cronies.their sole fiocu is in looting
country and running their power and keep sticking to chairs anyway
to roll in lucxury and build palatial houses and property.

Most of political parties are corrupt and have accepted corruption
and caste poltiics now. They have also accepted casteist
reservations knowing fully well that it will permanently harm
society. But greed for power and chairs make them compromise. If
all parties sit together and make a common 'negative list of
don'ts' thinhgs xcab dramatically change. What voters and the
creamy layers can then do? Just ask them to shut up and go to
hell.No wromg polciy for their votes.

Police organisations are thoroughly manner less, corrupt and
criminals themselves.

Don't know who gave law of not terminating civil servants.It is
fundamnetally wrong.Why citizens should bear corrupt,misbehaved
and unproductive sarkari naukars.Kick them out by a penal review
in each distrcit and inviting public complaints against
offcials.Priovate citizens should chair such committeees and not
corrupt babus themselves.
India must start serious reform in public governance, quality of
life, legal system, ethics and morality and national character and
taming the uncontrolled servants in public services. Citizens must
gain control on their performance and its measurement and punish
them instea dof power in hands of their corrupt supervisors.

Is not it matter of utter shame and disgust that even after 60
years police stations are auctioned by ministers? and they stand
on ramparts on 15th August and cry service, national character and
ethics. They deserve to be shot. The new recruits in civil
services get spoiled within a year and become corrupt, misbehaved
and arrogant seeing the similar behaviour of their seniors and
patronage by two dime criminally minded and cheap politicians.

Electoral reforms to cut illitereate cheap and crminals off to
fight elections is also necessary.

let people of india resolve to press for all these changes.We
still can save india from becoming a strife torn poor and corrupt
society with violence and bloodshed.

Prof R K Gupta