Indian Technical education needs overhaul !

Presently higher education in India, particularly in technology
area is in very bad and disgusting shape. With such lame and
corrupt system India wants to become super power and retain

Due to sudden and uncontrolled liberalisation without proper
regulations in place, all kinds of wrong people have entered the
education system which has zero risk and is cash cow & no Taxes to

At the same time the public owned universities and Institutes are
starved of funds and are so badly managed and politicised that ,
it is not even worth discussing.

There has to be now a quick remedy to this degeneration. Almost
zero quality in running of government colleges and universities
and teachers and student's exploitation, fleecing and illegal acts
by private sector.

Though we have been writing to Government from time to time to
take actions as required, American model seems to be one of the
best suited.
Somehow I hate British system as they were main cause for babudom
and all bad laws and practices left behind by them in India. They
are otherwise also corrupt and a 'down the hill' going economy.

Education throughout the world is not supposed to be a profit
making venture and has to be regulated to give credibility to
degrees and diplomas awarded. The "core education', called formal
education has to be well regulated and properly accredited.
1.MBA or PGDM (1.5 years and more period)
2.MCA or PGDCA ( 2 year and more period)
3.All M Tech or equivalent programs (2 years+)
4.All BTech. BE or equivalent programs (4years +)
5.B Pharma
6.BEd & M.Ed
7.PhD and Fellowship programs(should be reduced to 2 years minimum
and 4 years maximum now)
8.Architecture Programs
9.All 3 years technical diploma programs run after XII
10.MBBS,MD and other 1.5 yrs+ sectional(like pathological
testing) diplomas for medical sciences. In this field strict
regulation is must being human life affecting.
11.All industrial skills professional degree(3 yrs and plus) and
post degree courses (1.5 yrs and plus) like fashion design and
garment technology, Hotel Management and the likes.

It must be made illegal and criminal offense to run any Institute
without valid approval and levy of Rs 5,000,000 minimum fine and 7
years rigorous imprisonment besides confiscating all corpus of
Institute collected by owners ,as it is after all students' money
and belongs to society.

Except for one or 2 universities in each State as a state owned
setup for purpose of welfare measures and weaker sections, all
universities should be handed over to private entrepreneurs who
are essentially having some education industry background and
preferably running charitable Institutions or NGOs for 5 years
atleast. The fees should be properly increased top maintain
minimum quality

Is not it silly that ISB Hyderabad charges Rs 10 lacs and IIM Rs
4.5 lacs and University affiliated college charges Rs 35000 only
and AICTE wants as good education quality as of US university. It
is ridiculous.
Why there is so much of gap?after all what is there in MBA
education .Do we need expensive laboratories? Why so much

AICTE and UGC have proved to be worthless organisations
responsible to create bureaucracy, inefficiency, poor regulation,
excessive politics and lack of control on private set ups by
regulatory agencies. This is criminal act of negligence on part of
Central and State Governments and they cant be spared from this.
Government should make a Higher education agency with regional
offices managed by universities and private sector representatives
and chaired by Central secretary of higher education and 3-4 state
secretaries by rotation. But his for administrative purpose. The
quality part should be left to quality board in it run by
academics themselves.

But the situation is bad. So much so that more than 200 Institutes
in Engineering and Management itself are running without any
approvals as per AICTE website and nothing is being done by
Governments. Why others should follow law ?Wrong doers
,profiteers, corrupt and law breakers are enjoying and raking in
money. All this money should be contacted and returned to

Although it is important to have charitable trust for education
purpose, the entrepreneurs and failed businessmen and executives
have entered the education to set up shops to collect huge fees
and enter fraudulent collaborations and even use 'alumnus of
institute' as a collaboration. This is sheer loot and immoral Act
and should be made illegal and punishing as Mass public fraud. A
new section under section 420 and 406 should be added with
rigorous punishment.

The tax exemptions are availed and the residential bungalows, cars
and other facilities with huge pays are fixed by owners from this
trust money collected from students and by donations collected
for charitable cause.

Will government allow this reckless prostitution of higher
education in the country by scoundrels who don't pay salaries to
teachers properly ,exploit them and do little contribution to
knowledge in the society? Will government have some sensible
relationship between per capita GDP and fees structure? Have
government studies these figures for USA, Germany, UK, France,
Japan and China and South Africa as sample base?What is going on
in India is sheer loot.

It is therefore necessary to make 'Technical Education regulation
Act, a new Act in country to issue guidelines and rules and mange
the Higher education agency working , have tight control on funds
of all education Institutes, separate ownership from
management(Director , principal etc), define powers of principals
and Directors to remove them from influence of owners and fix
their minimum tenure as 5 years.

In technical education foolish rules like PhD is hampering good
and experienced proven people to enter management and teaching of
technical education in the country. Making rules blindly like in
USA is suicidal. In USA it is not easy to take a PhD in
engineering or management and high industry/.business interaction
is needed and provided whereas in India most of worthless guys
have been going into PhD to while away time and get monthly
allowance being unemployed or waiting for marriage alliance. This
nonsense must go.

To balance situation all Institutes and Universities in technical
faculties have 50% industry guys as professors( with 20 years
experience in business and industry) and 50% PhD guy with at least
3 years work experience in a corporate body or Public
administration in class II or above. The argument of theoretical
professors that industry people have not much to tell after
initial war stories is ridiculous. As they at least have war
stories to tell. What these theoretical professors have to tell?
If they can read a book and journal and vomit in class this can be
done better by practicals guys who had given focused results to
organisations in real life. Lot of research is done daily by
managers to solve company situations. We must realise this hard
fact and give due respect in technical education. Imagine a doctor
going to class without doing even minor operation teaching heart
surgery or heart physiology.

It is fallacy that in free economies like USA there are no
controls. In fact USA ha s one of the finest regulatory framework
in almost everything from prostitution to Higher education to
When some one breaks norms , it should be very costly. India must
switch over from physical punishment to pecuniary or financial
punishment that will discourage people form doing crimes. Secondly
the jail terms an penalties should be immediately doubled. Like it
is ridiculous to give 1.5 yr jail for 420 cases as against 7 years
provided in IPC. First our corrupt and inefficient courts in India
should give punishment which itself is rare. They only know how to
put people behind bars without trials. Gross violation of human
rights. India is a sham democracy and most corrupt banana republic
in the world despite tall claims. No none is safe in India and no
one has his or her dignity and human rights safe unless one has
lots of ill gotten money to bribe. People are habitual law
breakers spitting and peeing anywhere, parking b uses on public
roads and property to do free business, setting up kiosks right in
front of municipal corporation and po9lcie stations even. And
these blind bribe taking boneless and arrogant policemen and babus
shut eyes. No one wants to take action against any one and biggest
culprits are central services who have all the power to do so.
They are arrogant, corrupt, misbehaved, inkompetent and only busy
in arranging maximum workers at residence at government cost,
abuse office cars, take bribes and wag tails before ministers to
get plum postings.
Do we need such idiots in public service. Who and when any
constitution maker told not to sack and put behind bar such
corrupt and incompetent officials? But why action is not taken?
Because it is collective loot going on by 2% idiots and rooks in
name of Gandhi, democracy and swaraj. There is no swaraj for a
common man. She is raped, harassed, extorted money and misbehaved
with regularly.

It bis time fees control, adequate fees and quality control and
recognised courses are enforced in country or we are not only
cheating and exploiti8ng students every year but seriously
jeopardizing knowledge capability of country. The pass outs form
these money shops are very poor in quality. Every one knows.
Governments must take blame and respond .It is their sacred

Don't waste time any more. Move fast.